stunning fine art portrait of a beautiful rottweiler dog

Dog Photography illuminated with unique character ~

Having shared my sofa with large breed dogs for over forty years I'm accustomed to being bounced on & splodged with muddy paws! All breeds & characters welcome (but my favourite dogs are sugar dusted)...

Locational sessions are available at your favourite places or my exclusive spaces. With your final display in mind, I ensure a fun & relaxed atmosphere your dog will enjoy, giving each unique personality space to shine!

"...followed your facebook page from the start but your recent work really is something else. Well done. "

"Never lose that kind heart of yours Scotia. It's one of the many reasons your work stands out, we love you for it"

"All five as those big prints please. I adore you and your work, need you in Murdo's life for ever."

"HOW do you do it!?? Every photo I take has his mouth open and his eyes shut. Seriously - you're a magician. "

"We were so thrilled to be picked for your first woodland project, thank you. Our gang had such good fun!"

"Felt very VIP in your "Secret Woodland" test and our images are gorgeous. When is the next one please?"

"Astounded how quickly my lad took to you Scotia. Loved our day, loved our photos & highly recommend you. "

"Tireless patience, energy, warmth & "can do attitude". Your prints have pride of place on our walls."

"Thank you for our beautiful boxed prints. Sadly having now lost our boy they have become even more treasured. "

"I've no idea how you do what you do Scotia, but we are enthralled by your work! Absolutely Top Bananas!!"