image of a beautiful bay colour arab horse in fine art detail

~ luminescence, radiance & soul ~

Driven by my passion for horses I combine four decades of ownership with intrinsic, intuitive affinity. My ability to anticipate behaviour & movement ensures your horse is captured in elevated, character-rich detail.

From single subject statements to creative compositions, sessions can be planned around your desired wall or boxed artworks - delivering endless, endulgent possibilities far beyond my dramatic studio-style portraits.

"Thank you SO MUCH for persevering. Little demon said thanks for his carrots and promises to behave next time."

"Thank you for pulling out all the stops to make our Christmas wishes come true Santa, sorry, Scotia!"

"My unedited gallery is stunning Scotia, I'm blown away. You've made it very hard to choose!"

"Thank you so much Scotia M Photography, you have made a full yard of owners very happy!"

"You have a rare gift Scotia. Thank you (again!) for your gentle approach and endless patience."

"Amazed at your professionalism & knowledge not that I didn't expect such, it was just to another level".